Tips To Remember When Installing Your Air Conditioner

Replacing your air conditioner is inevitable, especially if it starts to break down. You can't keep repairing your air conditioner if it has already aged. Therefore, you must invest in a new air conditioning installation. And since the ductwork is already in place, you can do a DIY AC installation. However, you must remember these tips when installing your home air conditioning.

Inspect Your Ductwork

Before you replace your central air conditioner, you should invite an air conditioner technician to inspect your existing ductwork. Don't assume that your ductwork is in good shape or can handle the level of airflow from your new AC system. In any case, the technician might need to modify the ductwork. It's also good to clean the ductwork before installing the new AC unit.

Consider the Energy Efficiency Ratio Rating

Don't purchase an air conditioner without considering its energy efficiency rating. Remember, the EER rating is meant to give you an idea of how much power the AC system consumes. And if you want to keep your cooling costs down, you must buy an AC system with good energy efficiency. AC units with a high EER rating are the best because they are more efficient. If possible, choose an AC unit with an ENERGY STAR label.

Mind the Size

Size is a crucial factor when picking an air conditioner. So, don't pick an air conditioner without factoring in size. In any case, you wouldn't want an air conditioner that can't keep up with your cooling demands. Unfortunately, that's precisely what you get when you go for a small air conditioner. Likewise, you should avoid large air conditioners as they'll increase your electricity bill. Always choose an AC system that won't struggle or consume much power.

Choose an Ideal Location to Install Your AC Unit

Your air conditioner should be placed in the best location possible for it to cool the space uniformly. For starters, the condenser is more effective when placed in a spot that receives the least direct sunlight. Moreover, you want the condenser to stay cooler as it does its job. 

But that doesn't insinuate you should place it behind bushes so that it gets some shade. Doing so will interfere with the airflow. Besides, the leaves from the surrounding bushes might clog the condenser.

Call an AC Technician If Things Get Out of Hand

DIY air conditioning installation can get complicated for most first-timers. So, don't be afraid to seek assistance when things aren't going your way. An HVAC technician will rescue you if your DIY attempts fail.

For more information, contact an air conditioning installation service near you.
