Have A Furnace That Starts But Then Shuts Down? Talk With Heating Repair Experts About These Things

If you hear the furnace start up and then kick off a few seconds later after igniting, there are a few problems that could be preventing the furnace from working. HVAC service professionals can take the unit apart and look inside to find out what is wrong.

Some of the problems may be easy to fix, but others may be hazardous or require a lot of time and manpower. Here are some of the things to ask the heating repair professionals about.

Gas Leak

A gas leak is a dangerous hazard in the house that you have to be aware of. The plumbers can test the gas line to see if there are leaks at connection points and inside the furnace and will test to make sure that you aren't at an inhalation risk.

Broken Ignitor Switch

The ignitor switch is what sends a spark to meet the gas to create a flame to light the pilot and help produce heat for your home. When this is broken, no flame can be produced, and the fan will shut off.

You may also hear a clicking noise when the ignitor switch is broken. This is an affordable repair, but evaluate the condition of the furnace before repairing it.

Broken Fan

A fan motor can break and not push heat through the air, or it can be jammed by debris or other things. They will examine the fan and make sure that the fan and the unit is the proper size. If the unit is too small to heat the house, it may not be able to keep up with the demand.

Sensor Issues

If the sensors are warning the unit that it's too hot in the chamber or that there is a problem when there isn't, the unit may keep shutting down. The sensors may need to be replaced but could possibly be cleaned and repaired. Talk with the professional about all the sensors to see what should be replaced with regular maintenance.

If your heater isn't working and it attempts to start or starts running and then shuts down, these are common problems. There may be other issues that need to be addressed and the heating and cooling professional may look at the unit and decide that they want to replace it.

Get the furnace repaired, cleaned, and inspected. From there, you can decide if you want to repair the problem preventing you from getting heat or if you want to replace the unit.
